• The square is consciousness

  • The circle... unconsciousness

  • Sometimes... the unconscious becomes conscious

GYPSYROAD is a story about journey and discovery . . . and strange unexplained and unexpected death. It is also a story about how the consciousness of all living things is undeniably connected. In all living entities (including plants), there is a Life-force within. This Life-force, or energy, radiates from our physical presence and is an extension of our conscious and unconscious mind. It is an energy field that is interactive with the energy fields of all living things to become a collective, and this 'collective-consciousness' can be realized and utilized to create extraordinary things, mentally and physically; with pure meditation being the key. This story is available as an e-Book, coming in at almost 140,000 words.

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Meditation: "Without the use of doctrine, deity, and personalities, meditation becomes pure . . . and that is what we all should be practicing".
Life-force: "Pure energy that is within all living things, that when mixed with DNA and the Central Nervous System creates memories, that becomes ‘a soul’, and therefore . . . life.”
Plant intelligence: "Plants do in fact have eyes, ears, mouths, noses, sensory perception, a brain, intelligence and a conscious mind. Their consciousness provides a link to the consciousness of all other living things to form a 'collective'. This 'collective-consciousness', permeates our unconscious mind, creating communication, strength, understanding, and knowledge.
Collective consciousness: "The self is not separate from the relationship field of other living things . . . one of the conditions of being alive is to feel the awareness of all living entities".


Gypsyroad . . . that's what my life has become. Ever since being young, death has been prevalent. Unexplained and unexpected death. People just collapsed and died after coming into contact with me, and I had no clue as to how and why. I had to find answers and religion didn't help.

These deaths eventually led me to finding out about something called 'Collective-consciousness' and knowledge of the After-life, but not before anxiety and guilt led me to become a world wide itinerant traveller. This all guided me to the realm of horticulture, plant intelligence, and the importance of meditation.

Eventually I found answers, and also found out . . . that every living thing in this world is connected.

My parents were Presbyterian ministers in Creswick, Victoria, Australia, and when the first incident happened . . . I was five years old. Since very young, people have instantaneously died and collapsed in front of me at irregular times. While under the care of them during the 1970’s, the 1980’s, and up until 2010, I sought for answers as death, unexpected and unexplained, seemed to follow me.

Because of me, my parents continually moved house; five different towns, and in1968, they sent me to a boarding school. During the 70’s, I became influenced by the Vietnam War, the Hippie movement, contemporary music, and horticulture; all the while having to endure the unwanted situations created by this strange phenomena of people dying in front of me.

Horticulture gave me employment and a way to travel. Music gave me some respite. The hippie culture gave me surfing, drugs, belief in the esoteric, and an introduction into the practice of meditation.

I had to resort to an itinerant lifestyle and keep moving to escape accusation and suspicion. My travels took me to Queensland, New Zealand, Asia, Egypt, England, Europe, and back to Western Australia and Melbourne. As people kept dying around me, I ended up in Canada and The United States.

As I searched for the ‘how and why’, Christianity and other western and eastern religious doctrines gave no answers, but snow skiing, traveling on my own, and sneaking into rock concerts gave me an adrenalin rush that seemed to tap into my un-conscious and helped ease the tension in my life.

Meditation became my saving grace, as I continually had to deal with anxiety and depression caused by the vision of someone dead at my feet . . . again and again. It helped me understand, but it never completely removed the guilt.

Horticultural knowledge became enlightening as I found out more and more about plant intelligence and discovered that all plants have a brain, consciousness, and are not very different than humans. They understand and accept death.

Eventually, I found out about the affliction affecting me, as well as coming to an understanding about something called ‘Collective-consciousness’ and what happens to our After-Life, thanks to someone I met in the southwest of America.

And thanks to an Indian at the Taos Pueblo . . . this strange phenomena may have ceased . . . I think.

From the Book

“Well . . . ” said Johnny. “It all comes down to understanding of what life is. Life . . . of all living things is made up of a complex amount of mass, which is governed by what sort of DNA it has. Not long after birth, a ‘life-force’ enters this mass, joins with the DNA and Central Nervous System, and creates life. Until that happens, everything is surviving on its parental DNA and nervous system. Everything that is alive, plants, animals, humans, and even the smallest bacteria, has a ‘life-force’. In humans and some animals, the ‘life-force’ enters the body not long after the umbilical cord is severed. With those born from egg or seed, the ‘life-force’ enters when the shell is broken, or when germination begins. The ‘life-force’ that enters all things, is pure energy, that when mixed with DNA and the Central Nervous System, becomes ‘a soul’, and therefore . . . life.”

“OK . . . ”

“This pure energy moves around in the atmosphere, waiting to attach itself to anything that is born, and when something dies, this ‘energy’ or ‘life-force’ is released into the atmosphere, ready to be used again.”

“So . . . ‘life-force’ and ‘soul’ are different?”

“Yes!” Said Johnny. “Soul is a culmination of everything that is in our makeup, and ‘life-force’ is only one part of that. When we die, only our ‘life-force’ survives. Our soul, which includes all our memories, disappears.”

“Hmmm, that’s interesting . . . probably not what religious people would want to hear.” I said quietly.

“Every living thing has an ‘aura’,” Johnny continued, “and as the planet is crowded, these ‘auras’ blend together to create a field of ‘energy’ that encompasses the planet. The amount of ‘energy’ created becomes greater than the number of ‘auras’ involved, and becomes a ‘collective’, the ‘fifth element’ so to speak.

Once you can get to the point, where you can sense ‘auras’ of everything, you will then start to see how every living thing, every plant, animal, and human, is connected and you will have recognized a ‘collective sixth sense’, and realized ‘collective-consciousness’.

This consciousness allows communication between every living thing, and allows communication to take place over vast distances, even to the other side of the world . . . almost instantly.

Everybody has this ‘sixth sense’ within them, and while not being totally aware of it, they themselves are being used as a communication device.”

“Guardian angels have been used to explain coincidence and other unexplained situations that happen to benefit the recipient, for a very long time. They are, in fact, really only a by-product of religious belief”, he said.

“Oh . . .?”

“What they actually are”, continued Johnny, “is the end product of collective-consciousness. When someone is in a particular situation, usually in need of assistance, that person taps into part of their un-conscious area of their brain that then connects to this ‘collective-consciousness’. When that occurs, their ‘life-force’ and ‘aura’, connects to other ‘auras’, and a message is sent to whoever or whatever concerned, and then something beneficial happens to the person in need. Guardian angels are thought to be spiritual beings . . . in actually; they are only a form of spiritual consciousness . . . or only part of . . . ‘collective-consciousness’.

“Religious people, who pray, sometimes tap into the same part of the un-conscious brain, and if and when, they get an answer, they refer to it as ‘God’ talking. It is, in fact, only themselves and collective-consciousness at work. And when people have a ‘hunch’ about something, or experience déjà vu . . . it is only another phenomena connected to collective-consciousness. It all relates to the same part of the brain that is considered ‘the sixth sense’.

As I listened, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed about Johnny’s thoughts on guardian angels as they had meant a lot to me, and I felt a bit sad that there was no such thing.

“The point,” continued Johnny. “Is that, once you understand this energy or ‘life-force’, you can draw on collective-consciousness to live an amazing life. This is the reason why you need to create a ‘life-force’ that grows instead of one that becomes smaller. A strong ‘life-force’ has a strong ‘aura’, and a strong ‘aura’ creates a greater collective-consciousness. This all leads to a greater understanding of the planet itself and your place in it, and makes for more contentment that breeds happiness, and harmony.

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